The purpose of evaluation is to improve classroom instruction.
A valid evaluation is based on mutually agreed criteria which is applied equally to all, and is fairly and appropriately utilized. If a poor evaluation is received, there are important steps you should take.
First, remain calm and professional. Correct handling of the conference with the principal can be crucial. Attempt to find out the reasons for the evaluation. It may be based on the principal’s misunderstanding of something that was observed. If that is the case, it may be cleared up right away.
New and probationary teachers should schedule frequent meetings with the administrator from the onset. Having a clear understanding of the administrator’s expectations can prevent negative evaluations and possible loss of position. While the contract provides protection with strict procedures to be followed for evaluation, new and probationary teachers’ positions are tenuous and may be terminated if the district believes performance is less than satisfactory.
Contact SJTA if you have any questions or concerns regarding your evaluations.