
SJTA Membership Handbook

Teachers’ first protection is their contract which defines the terms and conditions of their employment. SJTA works diligently to improve and enforce the contract. The main enforcement tool is the grievance procedure.

A grievance is a complaint based on the misinterpretation, misapplication or violation of the contract (intended or unintended). A grievance is not meant to harass, nor is it a means to “get” anyone. Conversely, because the grievance procedure is part of our contractual agreement with the District, it is legally a protected activity which shields the grievants from any reprisals because a grievance was filed.

SJTA offers Association representation in the processing of grievances for all unit members. Any teacher who feels that he/she might have a grievance should contact the FR and/or call SJTA immediately.

Teachers’ second protection is the Education Code which is the State Law and provides the parameters under which the District must work.

SJTA/CTA/NEA offer advice, consultation and representation when needed to its members for enforcement of Education Code provisions.